Why Choose Us?

Verified Email Data

We guarantee to have the freshest, most accurate information found anywhere. Every email address list with postal information is checked against the U.S. Postal Service’s National Change of Address (NCOA) service, so your list always contains the most current, most deliverable postal information available. Every address is updated and standardized using USPS Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) certified software.

(866) 994-1114

Industry Leader

We’ve been in the email list industry since 2006. We can help you find the right list for your offer.

Customer Service

We pride our company on making sure our customers are getting the best service when choosing the right email list.

Quality Email Lists

We stand by our product when it comes to the quality email lists we sell. All email lists are validated prior to delivering orders.

Data Replacement Guarantee

No email list is perfect, but rest assured for any reason you encounter a hard bounced email that we sell you, we will replace it 100%

Free Customer Update

We want to make sure your lists are delivering at its max potential. We offer a free email update just for being a customer of ours.

Request a List Quote

Please fill out the form below to get a quote. Be sure the tell us what list you are inquiring about. Please Include any special demographic you want on your list.

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